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How do You Know when your Relationship is Over?

How do You Know when your Relationship is Over?Whether you’re married, in a civil partnership, or co-habiting, it can be incredibly difficult to know when your relationship is actually over, or if you’re simply going through a difficult time that with work and time, will pass. Of course, no one goes into a relationship contemplating failure of the partnership, but it’s hard to escape the fact that the current divorce rate in the UK in 2022 was estimated at 42%. As matrimonial lawyers, we obviously come across plenty of people who are at the end of their relationships. So, how do you know when your relationship is over?

Unsuccessful Mediation

The process of mediation can help you both to communicate in a respectable environment. Despite it being an upsetting and stressful time, mediation can really help to maintain communication between you and your spouse. But in the event that issues cannot be resolved, even after mediation, it may be time to accept that the relationship has, in fact, come to an end.

Receiving a Divorce Petition

It’s unlikely that being served with divorce papers will come completely out of the blue, but nevertheless, it will still be a shock. The divorce petition is the first formal step that marks the end of a relationship and the beginning of a divorce. As the receiver, it’s up to you to take the next step. Although it may be tempting to avoid dealing with it, ignoring it won’t make it go away. The sooner you accept that you will have to act, and decide on a course of action, the better. Whether your separation is amicable, mutual, or more complicated, acting quickly will make the whole process more manageable in the long run.

Do I Need to Prove my Relationship is Over?

Ever since the new “No Fault Divorce” law came into effect in April 2022, you are no longer required to provide a reason for the ending of your relationship and subsequent desire to get divorced. Previously you would have had to provide the grounds for divorce, which should come under one of the five facts including adultery, unreasonable behaviour, two years’ separation by consent, 5 years’ separation or desertion. This is no longer the case, and couples can even make a joint application for divorce.

What to Do if Your Relationship Has Come to an End

Unsurprisingly, our first piece of advice following the breakdown of a relationship is to seek legal representation. Taking advice from an experienced, reputable solicitor is extremely important at this stage. Not only will they have plenty of experience and knowledge regarding the legalities of the situation, but they’ll also be able to provide at least some of the advice and support needed to navigate this difficult time.

If you believe your relationship is over and wish to separate as a result, it’s understandable that you’ll have lots of questions regarding the process. Here at Vines Legal, we’re experts in matrimonial and family law and can assist you at every stage to help guide you through what can be a confusing and distressing time. For a free initial, no obligation consultation, please call us on 01246 555610 for immediate, friendly and professional advice.

By Vines Legal on 3 Feb 2023, 16:57 PM

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