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How to Protect your Relationship from Lockdown-Related Breakdown

divorce lawyer Chesterfield avoid lockdown breakupThere’s no doubt that the last year has taken its toll on a great many aspects of our lives, including our relationships. Despite the good news that that there is now an end in sight to the UK lockdown, there are still several weeks to go before life begins to look more normal.

Sadly, the pandemic has put a huge strain on relationships with our partners and spouses. According to the International Association of Marriage and Family Counsellors, the number of couples seeking relationship counselling has dramatically increased during lockdown. The stresses of juggling work, home schooling, and domestic chores, as well as the ongoing worries surrounding health, job security, and the general effect the pandemic is having on the world as a whole, has equated to a perfect storm in many households, putting relationships to the test like never before. So, we’ve put together some useful tips on how to get through the next few weeks, keeping your relationship intact along the way.

Time Out

With fewer opportunities to leave the house and access that much needed me time away from your spouse or partner, it’s important to create space for yourself at home. Remember that you and your spouse or partner still need some time apart from time to time. That doesn’t mean you don’t appreciate one another or enjoy their company, it’s simply that spending every waking moment together just isn’t necessary in a healthy relationship. Spending some time alone will also keep the romance alive when you do spend time together.

Plan for the Future

It may seem like the current situation is never-ending and that the end of lockdown is still a long way away. But it will end, and making plans for when it does will help you to look to the future and get excited about all the things you’ll be able to do again. Keep in mind this is a temporary situation and putting plans in place for the future will remind you of this.

Gestures of Love

During the stressful, anxious time that the pandemic has created, the simplest thing you can do is to show your partner or spouse how much you care about them. This might be cooking a nice meal, scheduling in some quality time with your spouse or partner, or perhaps a gift. Whatever it is, make sure its heart felt and speaks to your other half.

Here at Vines Legal, we’re experts in helping our clients through the process of separation and divorce. Our first job, however, is always to establish whether a relationship can be saved. A legal separation process should really only be seen as a last resort, but if you are considering a separation, or going through a divorce, please do contact us on 01246 555610 and we can offer our advice and support in a free initial consultation.

By Vines Legal on 1 Mar 2021, 13:53 PM

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