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Generation Z say 'yes' to Pre-Nups!

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Members of 'Generation Z' - those born from 1996 onward - are likely to take a practical approach to marriage and protect their assets before tying the knot, a YouGov survey on prenuptial agreements suggests.  In a survey of 2,064 people of the 136 respondents aged between 18 and 24, 42% of women and 36% of men said they would likely sign a pre-nup. The stigma of consulting a solicitor ahead of getting hitched has long ago disappeared. Generation Z has grown up influenced by celebrity culture and take a realistic approach to marriage or civil partnerships. 

Pre-nup agreements are one of the areas Vines Legal can help you with. We offer a personal service, providing you with clear explanation and advice on all options so that you completely understand the process. We can help you arrange a Prenuptial Agreement that suits you. To book your free, no obligation, initial consultation call Julia, our receptionist, on 01246 555610.


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By Administrator on 19 Sep 2019, 19:30 PM

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