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Relationship Stress At Christmas

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The silly season is here, and if you feel tension increasing between you and your partner, you are not alone. Christmas can be a very stressful time of year. It starts earlier and earlier every year with trees going up and Christmas nights out in November, extra expenses and long ‘to do’ lists.  All this can often amplify pre-existing issues in a relationship. Little niggles can become big issues. Couples face high levels of stress over the Christmas period, which can lead to increased arguments and relationship break-ups. If the strain on you as a couple is only getting worse, then it may be time for you to consider a separation or divorce.

If a break-up is unwanted, here are a few tips for couples to survive the holiday season together:

1)         Think long term – the festive season is only a few weeks and all the stress of this holiday is normally temporary.

2)         Keep in close contact with others – don’t be smothered by your partner. Make sure you spend time with others and take time out for yourself. Take turns looking after the children while you go out for a change of scenery and activity.

3)         Talk to your partner – all issues around the holidays with extra chores, the in-laws and extended families can put extra stress on the relationship and talking this through with your partner will give you an opportunity to share how you feel and chance to ask for help.

If these tips do not help and the stress of Christmas continues past the holiday season, then we are here to offer you advice. Vines Legal provide a free initial consultation to talk through your problems and help you find a solution. Call us on 01246 555610 to make an appointment.

By Vines Legal on 16 Dec 2019, 10:50 AM

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